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Checklist of 30+ Liquid Based Fueling Options

Unlock the winning edge with our fueling suggestions! 🏆

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Ignite your training potential 🔥 with our digital download. Discover a spectrum of 30+ liquid fueling choices to supercharge your trainings and excel in competition!


To get you started, here is a list of some brand liquid options for quick-digesting carbs: coconut water 🥥, flavored milk alternatives 🥛, fruit juices 🍊, maltodextrin drinks 🥤, liquid yogurts🍶, meal replacement shakes 🥤, smoothies 🍓 and sports drinks 🥤

Dawn Weatherwax International Sports Dietitian CEO Sports Nutrition 2Go and Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy

Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

A Sports RD (Registered Dietitian) & CEO SN2Go & DWSNA offers a guide for parents of athletes to optimize pre-training and competition fueling, aiming to enhance energy levels and performance. 🏋️‍♂️🍏🔋


Thank you for joining us, and remember, fueling your athletes with the right nutrients can be a game-changer. 🏅 Keep fueling those dreams and cheering from the sidelines!

Fuel Your Goals & Dreams Now!

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