Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy Membership

Fuel Your Goals & Dreams Now!

Guides parents, coaches, teams, clubs, organizations and schools of athletes aged 6-18 in advocating for "Building a better athlete through sports nutrition & testing!" The aim is to improve growth, academic success, and athletic abilities in an easy, safe, affordable and age-appropriate manner, empowering athletes to achieve their aspirations and ambitions. Guides your athlete towards success in life, sports & dreams!                        

What You Will Understand

What You Will Learn

Know how much energy (calories) young athletes should be eating to fuel their activity and support their growth.
Understand the importance of consuming quality foods and the roles they play on enhancing recovery, repair & mental clarity.
Discuss the urgency of getting the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats at the right times to enhance gaining lean weight, getting leaner and surpassing their competition.
Review timing & amounts of food & fluid to consume before, during and after training and competitions to reach their full potential.
Discuss how to stay injury free & healthy to give them the best path to succeed.
Review eating plans that meet the needs of young athletes at different stages of growth, training and competition to take out the guess work and maximize development.
Ensure athletes understand how to adequately hydrate daily, during training and competitions to enhance their processing speed, strength and recovery since 66% of athletes show up 1% dehydrated.
Know when and how to correctly use sports supplements if needed to give you the peace of mind from a reliable source.
Know which labs or tests to do to keep your athlete healthy and progressing in an ideal direction.

Who is this membership for:

Aimed at parents & coaches of athletes aged 6-18.

  • Your athlete will not listen to you but will listen to an expert!
  • Overwhelmed with all the information out there and don't know what is true or false!
  • Guessing but falling short!
  • Struggling with gaining lean weight, getting leaner, low energy levels or staying healthy or injury free!
  • Just want to talk to someone face to face!
  • A one stop proven resource to save you precious time!
  • Setting up your athlete to succeed in life and their dreams!

Amazing Outcome: Sports Nutrition Victories In & Out of the Pool!

Thankful to YOU for helping me get my daughter back! Since adding Sports nutrition & Testing her:

1. MOOD has greatly improved

2. SLEEP has greatly improved

3. CONCENTRATION with academics has greatly improved

4. RESILIENCE in the face of daily stressors has greatly improved

5. MORE PLEASANT to be around.  She no longer complains of headaches (which were nearly daily), she no longer complains of joint pain (knee and shoulder), she no longer complains of overwhelming fatigue.  

6. Most importantly FULLY UNDERSTANDS how much better she feels and SEES the DIRECT CORRELATION to improving her nutrition and adequately fueling her body.  

Since changing her sports nutrition, she has seen some dramatic improvements in the pool as well!

At Short Course State

- 1650 free time was  25.81 seconds faster than her previous attempt at the race.  

- At the same event, she dropped 15.47 seconds in the 1000 Free from her previous time,which was only four weeks before

- She also shaved 1.9 seconds from her 100 Free.


Mom of a Swimmer

Included with this Amazing Academy

12 Months Unlimited Access--Plenty of time to absorb all the knowledge

Ask Unlimited Questions--You are never alone

Supplement protocols and links to trusted resources

Downloadable menus, snack ideas & handouts--sometimes you need an actual list!

Food for Speed Podcast with athletes, parents & experts--get motivated and enrich your knowledge!

Study on your own terms with 24/7 access

Revisit any lesson as many times as you like

Access from anywhere across multiple devices

This membership includes the following courses:

Daily Hydration

Value: $49.00 Included!

If you are one percent dehydrated, performance could decline up to 15%! Understand performance hydration facts and how to surpass your competition.

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 20 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Calculate How Much FUEL (calories) Your Athlete Needs

Value: $49.00 Included!

Seventy five percent of athletes do NOT eat enough! Understand how much fuel is needed to grow, thrive and dream!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 9 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling for Performance: Daily Menus for Young Athletes

Value: $99.00 Included!

Ensure athletes are getting the specific nutrients they need to optimize every stage of growth, health and performance.

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 31 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Metabolism Testing

Value: $75.00 Included!

Metabolism testing using the med gem. Know how many calories you burn at rest to grow, gain lean weight or muscle, get leaner or lose weight or body fat, perform optimally, maximize training, train smart, academics, goals and dreams.

Calculate Fuel (calories) Needs 0 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Breakfast: Pre-Practice, Competition or School Food and Hydration Guidelines: 5-9am start time with training going ~1-2 hours

Value: $99.00 Included!

Breakfast pre training, competition and school Food & Hydration ideas 5-9am start time with training going ~1-2 hours

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 14 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling Ideas Daily, Pre, During & Post

Value: $99.00 Included!

Fueling your athletes with the right nutrients can be a game-changer. 🏅 Get ideas from an expert who knows! Keep fueling those dreams and cheering from the sidelines!

All Sports 12 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Pre-Early Morning Trainings Whole Food Ideas

Value: Free Included!

20 Healthy and Quick Whole Food Snack Ideas--With VIDEO and HANDOUT

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Luna Bars 10 protein and energy bar options

Value: Free Included!

Protein and Energy 10 bars with a twist Luna bars, Clif bar company Good for daily and pre during and post competition

  3 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Gain Weight (Get Leaner) Accelerated Program

Value: $249.00 Included!

In this course, parents and athletes will be able to know how much, what and when to eat to gain the right weight, take out the guess work, save precious time and maximize every training!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 89 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling to be a Better Soccer Player

Value: $99.00 Included!

Improve soccer performance with our nutrition and testing course. Understand how to fuel your body, boost energy, and reach athletic goals with personalized strategies. Unlock your potential now! 🌟⚽

  67 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Want to Run Faster Itinerary

Value: $249.00 Included!

Boost your XC Performance! Maintain high energy levels, stay injury free and achieve PR’s! 🏅 Ask your questions throughout the season to an expert who knows the sport! ❓🏃‍♂️ You are not alone on this journey🤝with expert nutrition and testing! 🥗🧪

  13 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

What to Eat & Supplement for a Volleyball Tournament!

Value: $147.00 Included!

2 hour accelerated course on What to Eat and Supplement for a Volleyball Tournament.

  73 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Athlete's Stories

Value: Free Included!

Athlete's stories with adding sports nutrition and testing to their training

All Sports 11 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling for a 5p Baseball Game

Value: Free Included!

Fueling for baseball

Baseball 27 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling for a Football Game

Value: $79.00 Included!

Fueling for a Football Game

  55 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling for a XC Meet start time 8-12p

Value: $99.00 Included!

Fueling for XC Meet

XC and Track & Field 39 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

What to Eat & Supplement for a Wrestling Tournament

Value: Free Included!

2 week accelerated course "What to Eat and Supplement for a Wrestling Tournament. Athletes and parents will be able to know how much, what and when to eat and supplement to enhance performances.

  70 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

What to Eat & Supplement for Daily Swimming

Value: $249.00 Included!

2-3 hour Accelerated Course on "What to Eat and Supplement for Daily Swimming! (Ages 12-18yo) will help Parents and Swimmers take out the guess work and understand how much, when and what to eat and supplement with on a daily basis.

Swimming 65 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

What to Eat & Supplement for an All Day Swim Meet!

Value: $249.00 Included!

2 week accelerated course "What to Eat and Supplement for an All Day Swim Meet!" Swimmers and parents will be able to know how much, what and when to eat and supplement to enhance swim meet performances.

Swimming 76 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

How to Taper Nutritionally for a Swim Competition

Value: Free Included!

How to Taper Nutritionally for a Swim Competition

Swimming 17 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

What to Eat & Supplement for Holiday Training Swimming!

Value: $79.00 Included!

The key takeaways are understanding how much, when, and what to eat and supplement during holiday training to maximize energy and nutrient demands , stay healthy, recover and surpass the competition!

Swimming 66 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Daily Immune Protocol

Value: $49.00 Included!

Best athletes get less sick or injured. By improving your nutritional knowledge, you can bolster your athlete’s immune system and optimize their athletic performance. It's paramount to maintain good health!

Protocols 12 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

24 Hour Emergency Immune Protocol

Value: $49.00 Included!

Within 24 hours of cold or flu symptoms coming on certain nutrients could minimize its effects!

Protocols 3 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Tart Cherry on Performance and Sleep Protocol

Value: $19.99 Included!

Tart Cherries Competition and Sleep Protocol: 1. Receive amounts, in what forms, at what times 2. Recommend products 3. Provide Supplement and Food Links 4. Provide an Amazon list All to make it simple to understand and implement with ease.

Protocols 4 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Tart Cherry on Performance and Sleep Presentation

Value: Free Included!

Tart Cherries on Performance and Sleep Tart cherries, NOT SWEET ones have been shown to help with reducing inflammation, enhancing recovery, minimizing muscle soreness and improving sleep. Research has even shown it could help on competition day.

  0 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Muscle Building IQ: Test your Protein Knowledge!

Value: Free Included!

Muscle Building IQ: Test your Sports Nutrition Knowledge! Introduction

Muscle Building, Protein, Gaining Lean Weight 27 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

5 Top Sports Nutrition Tips that All Parents and Young Athletes Need to Know!

Value: Free Included!

5 Top Sports Nutrition Tips that All Parents and Young Athletes Need to Know!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 8 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling for Competitive Edge

Value: Free Included!

Fueling for the Competitive Edge

  97 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling for the Competitive Edge XC

Value: Free Included!

Fueling for the Competitive Edge for XC

  96 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Fueling for the Competitive Edge for Swimmers!

Value: Free Included!

Fueling for the Competitive Edge for Swimmers! Parents and swimmers ages 10-18 years old. Promoted by Swimming World! Viewed Internationally! Algeria, Australia, Canada, India, Jamaica, South America... Hope you enjoy it!

  1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Thriving vs Surviving: How Much Fuel is Needed?

Value: Free Included!

Do you know how many calories you are eating? Thriving vs surviving!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 97 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

What Supplements Should Young Athletes Take?

Value: Free Included!


  4 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Post Recovery Nutrition & Hydration Timing!

Value: Free Included!

Post Recovery Nutrition & Hydration Timing! -Review its importance on muscle building and recovery -Understand what to eat & hydrate with after workouts for muscle recovery and repair -Discuss importance of timing and amounts

  9 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Eating Behaviors & Nutrition Considerations for Youth Athletes Part 1 of 3 Series

Value: Free Included!

Eating Behaviors & Nutrition Considerations for Youth Athletes Presented by; Jessica Anderson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, ACSM EP CEO ATP Nutrition Hosted by; Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy

  6 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Cultivating Healthy Eating Patterns in Youth Athletes Part 2 of 3 Series

Value: Free Included!

Cultivating Healthy Eating Patterns in Youth Athletes Part 2 or 3 Series Presented by; Jessica Anderson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, ACSM EP CEO ATP Nutrition

  6 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

What is the Purpose of a Sports Drink? Needed?

Value: Free Included!

FREE LIVE WEBINAR! What is the Purpose of a Sports Drink? Needed? Hosted by; Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy Presented by; Michael Folan CEO Infinit Nutrition Geared towards parents of young athletes! Get your questions answered directl

  3 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

How to gain weight and strength specifically for baseball players!

Value: Free Included!

How to gain weight and strength specifically for baseball players! Learn how to safely add strength and size specifically for baseball players Learn red flags of how to identify improper training Strategies for gaining strength in season

Baseball 3 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

How much lean weight do you need baseball example Feed for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Watch Free Today! Understand your lean weight. Do you know how much lean weight you have? If you don't, you are not coming close to maximizing your athletic potential!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 0 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Scott Goodpaster Owner CFF Feed for Speed podcast: Training a Swimmer through Functional Movement and Strength

Value: Free Included!

Scott Goodpaster Owner Cincinnati Funcitional Fitness Feed for Speed podcast: Training a swimmer through functional movement and strength

Swimming 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Aaron Sequeira Swimmer Food for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar with Swimmer Aaron Sequeira Hosted by Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy Aaron Sequeira put on over 25lb of lean weight, broke school records, won state and shaved off over .6 seconds at the Olympic trials

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 0 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Aneesh Vyas Football Feed for Speed

Value: Free Included!

Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar hosted by Dawn Weatherwax SNA, Aneesh Vyas, Def Lineman. Listen to how he gained over 53lb of lean weight in high school! Great for all athletes and parents to hear!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Ben Pierce Jr Baseball Feed for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar with Ben Pierce Jr Baseball player Left handed Pitcher: 5’9” Went from 24%-15% body fat 209-190lb Currently has 161lb of lean wt Goal: 190lb: 172lb lean/10% Playing in College next year

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 4 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Blake Hanna Swimmer Food for Speed Podcast

Value: Free Included!

He didn’t get recruited out of high school. He started swimming his 3rd year of college. Gained 20lb of lean weight. 6x American Conference Champion, Olympic Trials Qualifier in 100 & 200 Back, Division 1 NCAA Championship Qualifier, 4x School Record

Swimming 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Chloe Pierce Volleyball

Value: Free Included!

I started off with low energy, and wanting to get stronger, leaner, quicker and higher. At the end of my senior year I had great energy, leaner, quicker and my vertical increased 1 1/2"! I finished with over 1000 digs & going to play in college!

Athlete's Stories 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Emma Dalton Swimmer Feed for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar with Swimmer Emma Dalton Hosted by Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy Prepped at William Mason High under head coach Mark Sullivan • First team all-Greater Miami Conference • 2021 state champion in 100 back

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Evan Weyler Baseball Catcher Food for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

F00d for Speed Podcast/Webinar with Evan Weyer Baseball catcher player Gained over 18lb of lean weight in 5 months after struggling to gain any weight at all by adding ideal nutrition to training!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 4 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Grace Hartman Feed for Speed

Value: Free Included!

I am excited to be doing a Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar with Grace Hartman! Gatorade 2021 XC Player of the year! I am so excited for her to share her nutrition journey! -She has so much to share! You will be amazed of how many calories she needs!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 96 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Grant House Swimmer Food for Speed Podcast

Value: Free Included!

He started his nutrition journey as a Freshman in High School! Winningest Male HS athlete in Ohio! He has gained over 55 lb of lean weight, went from 20-7% body fat and eats over 5000-5500 good calories a day! 1st in the nation in 200 free and 6th NC

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Hunter Sipel Baseball Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar with Hunter Sipel Was struggling to put on lean weight until added the nutrition piece! Pitcher, Senior HS and Committed to Kent St. Has gone from 170-187lb in 3 months!

Baseball 0 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Ian Sullivan Swimmer Feed for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Swimming went for plateauing over the Summer to several personal bests and making State! Listen to how adding nutrition to his training over the past 4 months impacted his performance!

Swimming 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Kyle Fitzgerald Football Feed for Speed

Value: Free Included!

Listen to how he has gained over 40lb of lean weight and working towards 20lb more. Goal is to maximize his senior year in high school and play football in col 6’3’ 190lb Quarterback Has Gained 40lb of lean wt This Off season another 20lb! 210lb/10%

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Jack Anderson Swimmer Feed for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

He started adding nutrition to his training as a freshman in High School! He went from 15-9% body fat, consuming 5000-5500 good calories & got so fast he made Olympic Trials and going to swim in College!!

Swimming 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Jillian Ruffner Swimmer Feed for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Went from swimming for fun and personal bests to swimming in the High School State meet and planning to swim in College! Listen to how adding nutrition to her training regimen over 4 years ago impacted her performance!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

John Codner Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar Baseball Player

Value: Free Included!

Feed for Speed Podcast/Webinar with John Codner Collegiate baseball player

Baseball 0 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Joshua Head Soccer Feed for Speed

Value: Free Included!

Listen to how this young soccer player went from 20% body fat to 8% Gained over 49lb of lean weight! 6'4 187lb and 8% body fat at 18 years old Plays for FC Cincinnati Academy Looking to go Professional

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Laura Sullivan Mom Ian Sullivan Swimmer Feed for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Parents perspective of the nutrition piece! Her Son's swimming went from plateauing over the Summer to several personal bests and making State! Listen to how adding nutrition to his training over the past 4 months impacted his performance!

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Luke Springer Baseball Food for Speed Podcast

Value: Free Included!

Luke Springer Baseball Putting All the Pieces Together! March 2022, 13y 4'10" No ideal nutrition 19% 98lb: 19lb fat, 79lb lean Oct 2022, 14y 5'2" 4000cal ideal Nutrition & Testing 14% 115lb: 16lb fat,99lb lean

Gain Lean Weight , Get Leaner 0 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Madison Conatser Food for Speed

Value: Free Included!

I am excited to be doing a Food for Speed Podcast with Madison Conatser I am so excited for her to share her nutrition journey! -She has so much to share! You will be amazed of how many calories she needs!

XC and Track & Field 96 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Mariah Denigan Swimmer Food for Speed Podcast

Value: Free Included!

Featuring WORLD & Collegiate Swimmer Mariah Denigan! Started added sports nutrition & testing since she was 13. Watch out World, here she comes! She will be representing the USA in July at Open Water World's Championship in Japan!

Swimming Food for Speed 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Mariah Denigan Swimmer Feed for Speed Podcast Webinar

Value: Free Included!

Listen Free to Mariah Denigan’s nutrition and testing journey! She will tell you her ups and downs! When recruited: Ranked 10th in the country Currently 2nd place Open Water Nationals Apr ‘22 Has swam in Peru, Israel, Florida and Fiji!

Swimming Food for Speed 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Max Chandler XC Food for Speed

Value: Free Included!

Went from 7th runner to 1st on his high school XC team in one race!Got so fast, running in college! Now eating 5500 ideal calories a day!

XC and Track & Field 96 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Micah Markley Football Food for Speed Podcast

Value: Free Included!

Great leader, positive presence on and off the field. Academically strong, sets goals and goes out to achieve them. Has committed to the nutrition piece which is the hardest component outside of academics. 6'2”, 215lb, gained over 20lb of lean weight

Athlete's Stories 1 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Super Bowl Food Quiz

Value: Free Included!

Super Bowl Food Quiz Test your Sports Nutrition Knowledge

  25 Lessons Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS

Developed and Taught by an International Expert:

Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS


Dawn Weatherwax is a Registered/Licensed Dietitian with a specialty in Sports Nutrition and Founder of Sports Nutrition 2Go. In addition, she is an Athletic Trainer with a Certification in Strength and Conditioning from The National Strength and Conditioning Association. She is also CEO of Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy. Weatherwax brings a comprehensive and unique understanding of the athlete's body, and its nutritional needs, to those interested in achieving specific performance goals and optimal health. She is also the author of The Official Snack Guide for Beleaguered Sports Parents, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Sports Nutrition and The Sports Nutrition Guide for Young Athletes. She is an International Speaker and Author who has worked with athletes at all levels for over 25 years. She has also been featured on television and magazines including: Good Morning America, MSNBC, Oxygen, Shape, Spark and Swimming World.

Frequently Asked Questions:

NO!  Sports nutrition is a journey. You get to pick and choose what works best.

You bet! 100%!  Knowledge is power. You can set small goals together and decide what baby steps to take!

This academy is educational only and does not take place of medical advice.

You can always substitute out foods to meet the dietary demands of your athlete.  However if it requires more medical dietary assistance then this would not be ideal for them to meet those needs.

Please contact at 



[email protected]

Have a Great and Healthy Day 🥕

Fuel Your Goals & Dreams Now!

Teams, Schools, Organizations Affordable Pricing Available! Contact us below!

Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy Membership
  • 63 Courses
  • Private Community Included
  • Live Office Hours
This membership also includes:
  • One Year Unlimited Access to Fuel Your Goals & Dreams
  • Access to an expert!
  • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
  • Free Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes eBook
Join Now! Make Every Day Count!


Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy