COME SAY HELLO! Very, Very Important to link to this inclusive community! Live webinars, recipes, tips, new food ideas, stay motivated and soooo much more!
How to use this educational course. It NEVER takes place of medical advice.
Who is Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS and CEO of Sports Nutrition 2Go & Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy
Daily Hydration
Performance Hydration Facts
Daily Hydration Requirements
What Fluids Count?
Sodium Amounts and Timing
Water with: FOOD ONLY sodium options (not limited to)
Water with: Electrolyte Tab/Pump/Oral Spray Sodium Options (but not limited to)
Water with: Electrolyte ONLY Sodium Powder Options (but not limited to) Plus Bottle option
Water with: Sports Drink Powder Options (but not limited to) Plus Bottle options
Daily Hydration and Sodium Strategy Recommendations
Time to Go Hydration Those Muscles!
More resources for you: Protocols, Supplements
Check out Gain Lean Weight (Get Leaner) accelerated sports nutrition course
Be looking for more courses to come!
Please share with other Schools, Teams, Clubs
International Speaker
Before you go...


Fuel Your Goals & Dreams Now!

Fueling 30-60 Minutes Prior to Training!
Understanding the importance of carbohydrates 30-60 minutes before training or competition is crucial. To get you started, here are 30+liquid fuel options for quick-digesting carbs!

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Sports Nutrition 2Go