COME SAY HELLO! Inclusive Community!
How to use course. NEVER takes place of medical advice.
Food = Calorie = Heat = Energy = Fuel! Can NOT grow, train or perform optimally if the muscles are NOT fueled and hydrated!
REPLAY of live webinar on Fueling for a XC Meet
Grace Hartman XC and Track -40 sec faster within two weeks. Finished with a PR! 17:01
Pre-Competition Meals & Snack Guidelines
Competition Day Feeding Tips
Brayden Rice Senior XC & Track High-Too slow to College!
What do You Know about Hydration?
Daily Hydration
What Fluids Count?
Daily Hydration and Sodium Strategy Recommendations
Phase I: Begins 2-4 hours prior to warm-ups
Phase II: Warm-ups until it is over
Water with: FOOD ONLY sodium options (not limited to)
Water with: Electrolyte Tab/Pump/Oral Spray Sodium Options (but not limited to)
Water with: Electrolyte ONLY Sodium Powder Options (but not limited to) Plus Bottle option
Water with: Sports Drink Powder Options (but not limited to) Plus Bottle options
Anabelle McDonald XC & Track: Fast, then slow, tummy issues, injuries then added nutrition & testing! Find out what happened next!
Sports Nutrition
Phase I: Breakfast begins 2-4 hours prior to official start time of event
Menu ideas for 400-800 units of fuel for breakfast
Menu ideas for 700-1000 units of fuel for breakfast
Design your own breakfast guidelines for 400-1000 units of fuel
Max Chandler XC & Track: Went from 7th place to 1st place on his xc team!
Phase II: Sports nutrition for event
Between breakfast and one hour prior to start of event
One hour prior to start of event
Faith Duncan: XC & Track Several stress fractures to staying healthy and top in the state! Listen to her Food for Speed Podcast!
Daily Supplement Recommendations
Krista Sams mom Colin XC & Track: Getting injured, sick, decline in academics then added nutrition & testing. Listen to her Food for Speed Podcast and his outcome!
XC Meet Sample Menu
Logos and picutres of some of the schools of athletes I have worked with!
Time to Go Fuel!
More resources for you: Protocols, Supplements
Before you go...
International Speaker
Personal Services--In Person or over the phone
Fueling to the Finish: 2-3pm XC Meet (can use timing for other events)
Hydration Prior to Race Day
Nutrition Prior to Race Day!
Supplements Prior to Race Day
Vit C
Vit D3
Tart Cherry
Lunch 2-4 hours prior
Fueling 3-4 hours prior
Two Hours Prior Day of Event
One Hour Prior to Event
Post Recovery

Fuel Your Goals & Dreams Now!
Fueling 30-60 Minutes Prior to Training!
Understanding the importance of carbohydrates 30-60 minutes before training or competition is crucial. To get you started, here are 30+liquid fuel options for quick-digesting carbs!
Sports Nutrition 2Go