COME SAY HELLO! Very, Very Important to link to this inclusive community! Live webinars, recipes, tips, new food ideas, stay motivated and soooo much more!
How to use this educational course. It NEVER takes place of medical advice.
Who is Dawn Weatherwax, RD,LD,ATC,CSCS and CEO of Sports Nutrition 2Go & Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy
Food = Calorie = Heat = Energy = Fuel! Can NOT grow, train or perform optimally if the muscles are NOT fueled and hydrated!
REPLAY of live webinar on Fueling for a XC Meet
Grace Hartman XC and Track Athlete--Ran 40 sec faster within two weeks of adding nutrition and testing to her training. Finished with a PR! 17:01
Pre-Competition Meals & Snack Guidelines
Competition Day Feeding Tips
Brayden Rice Senior XC & Track High School Athlete--heavy legs, not progressing fast enough but desires to run in college. Find out his ending!
What do You Know about Hydration?
Daily Hydration
What Fluids Count?
Daily Hydration and Sodium Strategy Recommendations
Phase I: Begins 2-4 hours prior to warm-ups
Phase II: Warm-ups until it is over
Water with: FOOD ONLY sodium options (not limited to)
Water with: Electrolyte Tab/Pump/Oral Spray Sodium Options (but not limited to)
Water with: Electrolyte ONLY Sodium Powder Options (but not limited to) Plus Bottle option
Water with: Sports Drink Powder Options (but not limited to) Plus Bottle options
Anabelle McDonald XC & Track: Fast, then slow, tummy issues, injuries then added nutrition & testing! Find out what happened next!
Sports Nutrition
Phase I: Breakfast begins 2-4 hours prior to official start time of event
Menu ideas for 400-800 units of fuel for breakfast
Menu ideas for 700-1000 units of fuel for breakfast
Design your own breakfast guidelines for 400-1000 units of fuel
Max Chandler XC & Track: Went from 7th place to 1st place on his xc team when he added nutrition & testing to his training. Listen to his Food for Speed Podcast!
Phase II: Sports nutrition for event
Between breakfast and one hour prior to start of event
One hour prior to start of event
Faith Duncan: XC & Track Several stress fractures to staying healthy and top in the state! Listen to her Food for Speed Podcast!
Daily Supplement Recommendations
Krista Sams mom Colin XC & Track: Getting injured, sick, decline in academics then added nutrition & testing. Listen to her Food for Speed Podcast and his outcome!
XC Meet Sample Menu
Logos and picutres of some of the schools of athletes I have worked with!
Time to Go Fuel!
More resources for you: Protocols, Supplements
Before you go...
International Speaker
Personal Services--In Person or over the phone


Fuel Your Goals & Dreams Now!

Fueling 30-60 Minutes Prior to Training!
Understanding the importance of carbohydrates 30-60 minutes before training or competition is crucial. To get you started, here are 30+liquid fuel options for quick-digesting carbs!

Yes! Grab for Free.


Sports Nutrition 2Go