Watch Intro Video

Video: Watch & Learn! Part 1

Post Recovery Nutrition & Hydration!

Watch Intro Video

Video: Part 2

Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy COMING SOON!

Sports Nutrition that BEST fits the Young Athlete !

    1. Post Recovery Nutrition & Hydration Timing! Part 1

    2. Post Recovery Nutrition & Hydration Timing! Part 2

    3. What's Next

    4. Nutrition for Swimmiers: What to Eat & Supplement for an All Day Swim Meet, Holdiay Training and Daily

    5. 30 Day Accelerated Gain Weight & LOSE FAT Program for Baseball Players---Not available currently. SOLD OUT

    6. 30 Day Accelerated Gain Weight Program for Baseball Players

    7. Copy of Who am I?

    8. Personal Services--In Person

    9. Personal Services--By Phone

About this course

  • Free
  • 9 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content



  • Live Monthly 60 min calls with Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy

  • Ask your specific sports nutrition questions with an expert!

  • Live calls will be recorded and available for unlimited replays

  • VIP to upcoming specials

  • Discounts

  • Upgrade to Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy when available for a VERY SPECIAL price, and I mean unbelievable special price!

  • Replays of all Webinars

  • Ones to come; (Titles and topics could change) • What Supplements should Young Athletes Take • Are Sports Drinks Good to Consume • Body image and sport • What to eat after trainings

  • Feed for Speed Podcast with athletes and parents of athletes who used our nutrition services

  • Asking your opinion on things to be added to Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy Site. This gives you an inside scoop, knowledge and opportunity to learn for no additional fee

  • Calculate how many calories you need

  • Sample daily menus

  • Lists of foods/ products to eat before, during and after workouts and competitions

  • Hydration calculator and importance

  • How much sleep you need and importance

  • Supplement recomendations for daily, immune, bone health, pre menstrual syndrome, low iron needs, brain health and much more

  • One time a month to ask Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy live sports nutrition questions

  • Webinars on supplements, body image, recovery nutrition, ........

  • Feed for Speed Podcast of athlete's outcomes utlizing our sports nutrition services

  • Special discounts on our online courses; How to gain weight, How to gain weight and lose fat and many more

Watch Intro Video

Feed for Speed Podcast with Josh Head FC Academy Soccer Ahlete

Listen to his outcome by implementing our sports nutrition recommendations!