Lesson 1: After my lesson on optimally fueling, athletes will be able to know how much, what and when to fuel so they can confidently gain the right weight!
Big take away! Calculate your calorie needs and select a predesigned menu template! On your schedule! NO MORE QUESS WORK! Ask the expert your questions via chat directly!
Lesson 2: After my lesson on basic nutrition athletes will be able to understand portion size and food groups so they can optimally fuel their body, gain muscle and optimize every workout and stage of growth. Will also review body composition in depth and its importance.
Big take aways! Start weighing in and going over food groups and portion sizes in more detail to ensure long lasting success. Measure body composition and set goals and ask the expert your questions via chat to clairfy your goals
Lesson 3: After my lesson on eating awareness athletes will be able to understand how to review food labels so they can better comprehend what they are putting in their bodies. This maximizes food choices, starts creating long lasting habits and takes full advantage of body development.
Big take aways! Start being aware of what they are actually eating and to begin making informed decisions of foods they put in their body to perform and grow optimally! Can do on your schedule!
Lesson 4: After my lesson on Pre-planning and overcoming obstacles athletes will be able to continuously meet their high calorie demands.
Big take aways! Review techniques on what to do when they feel full, not hungry, limited time, a picky eater, experiencing digestive issues and staying healthy so they can constantly meet their lean weight goals. Ask the expert questions via chat directly on your own time!
Bonus: Watch on Demand, Unlimited Replays, Chat directly to expert, on your schedule.
Bonus: Access to program for one full year from start of program date. Get free updates! Join private Facebook group to get recipe ideas, new food procucts, tips and much, much more throughout the year!