What to Eat & Supplement for Daily Swimming!

Watch a description of the program in detail!

Every Second Counts!

Fuel your goals & dreams! 75% of swimmers do not take advantage of this competitive edge!

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What to Eat & Supplement for Daily Swimming!

2 Hour Accelerated Course/Can do on your own time for Youth Swimmers (Ages 12-18yo)/Access 1 full year!

  • Lesson 1: After my lesson on daily fueling, swimmers and parents will know how much, what and when to fuel daily to enhance each swim practice. Big take away! Calculate your calorie needs and select a predesigned menu template to follow.

  • Lesson 2: After my lesson on daily supplementation swimmers and parents will have a better understanding on which vitamins and minerals are worth focusing on to boost health and avoid the pitfalls of false advertising , gimmicks and lack of knowledge.

  • ~2 Hours of Video Instruction, Watch on Demand any time/Replays, & Individual Videos

  • Ask Dawn Weatherwax your specific questions via chat

  • Access to program for 1 full year from start of program!

  • Understand what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat!

  • Session 6: Receive lots of bonus materials!

  • Join Facebook group; easy way to stay up to date and keep motivated


Work with a Sports Dietitan Expert who is also an Athletic Trainer (prevents, treats and manages injuries) & Certified in Strength & Conditioning by the NSCA! She definitely understands the swimmer's body!

  • Pre-Designed Daily Menu Templates along with supplement recommendations for daily training.

    Because I am considered a medical professional and a Sports Dietitian I can provide educational pre-designed menus & inform you of which supplements maybe worthy! No more guess work!

  • You have access to the information for 1 year from the start of the program. You can use the material for long course swim season!

  • ~2 Hours of Video Instruction, Watch on Demand any time/Replays, & Individual Videos

    Opportunity to ask Dawn Weatherwax your individual questions directly. She has over 25 years of success working with swimmers!

Watch Intro Video

Feed for Speed Podcast with 12 year old Swimmer and Father

Listen to her amazing story about how our sports nutrition recommendations impacted her body and swim times!

Watch Intro Video

What to Eat & Supplement with for an ALL Day Swim Meet!

Watch a description of the program in detail!

What to Eat & Supplement for an ALL Day Swim Meet ONLY


What to Eat & Supplement with for Holiday Training!

Watch a description of the program in detail!

What to Eat & Supplement for Holiday Training

Value $2000.00

Memebership Vault! Sports Nutrition that Best Fits the Athlete!

Optimize every stage of growth, health & performance!

  • Live one hour monthly Zoom Question & Answer Sessions with Dawn Weatherwax Sports Nutrition Academy

  • Ask your personal sports nutrition questions directly to the expert!

  • Replays of all Live Zoom Sessions

  • VIP to upcoming specials and online programs

  • Discounts

  • Webinars Live & Replays (Titles and topics could change) 1. What Supplements should Young Athletes Take 2. Are Sports Drinks Good to Consume 3. Body Image & Sports ...... and much, much more!

  • Feed for Speed Podcasts with athletes and parents who utilized our sports nutrition services

  • Get first opportunity to Pilot Online Live programs (currently looking for swimmers, baseball and football players and XC athletes) subject add or change

  • Asking & showing you topics for your opinion to be added to Dawn Weatherwax's Sports Nutrition Academy Site. This gives you an inside scoop, knowledge and opportunity to learn for no additional fee

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