CourseFueling for XC Meet
Fueling Ideas Daily, Pre, During & Post
CourseFueling your athletes with the right nutrients can be a game-changer. 🏅 Get ideas from an expert who knows! Keep fueling those dreams and cheering from the sidelines!
Daily Immune Protocol
CourseBest athletes get less sick or injured. By improving your nutritional knowledge, you can bolster your athlete’s immune system and optimize their athletic performance. It's paramount to maintain good health!
24 Hour Emergency Immune Protocol
CourseWithin 24 hours of cold or flu symptoms coming on certain nutrients could minimize its effects!
Tart Cherry on Performance and Sleep Protocol
CourseTart Cherries Competition and Sleep Protocol: 1. Receive amounts, in what forms, at what times 2. Recommend products 3. Provide Supplement and Food Links 4. Provide an Amazon list All to make it simple to understand and implement with ease.
Madison Conatser Food for Speed
CourseI am excited to be doing a Food for Speed Podcast with Madison Conatser I am so excited for her to share her nutrition journey! -She has so much to share! You will be amazed of how many calories she needs!